This membership is designed to guide you through healing your blocks and limiting beliefs, addressing one belief at a time in a group setup. It also includes channeling information for the participants to help them identify and release specific issues related to their projects, enabling them to organize their ideas more effectively.

  • This program is tailored for individuals working at the corporate level, entrepreneurs, those starting their own businesses, as well as those already working in the medical field, government sectors writer, and producers.

  • We'll have a Zoom meeting every two weeks for an hour.If you can't make it to the meeting, a recording will be available

  • The course requires reading the book 'Circular Time' and completing an eight-session one-on-one coaching program with Elena to learn the tools of Circular Time.

Why this Master Mind Group?

As our world changes dramatically, so do the stories that we tell. Stories mark the steps of our evolution; they indicate where we have been and the impulse of where we are heading. Right now, our world is held in a critical paradox. On the one hand, many things that we have known and relied on are collapsing and at the same time we sit on the cusp of incredible shifts in consciousness, technology and multidimensional possibilities.
This cusp is influencing our stories and our storytellers are challenged to find the underlying values and to vison a future that emerges from our unconscious to our conscious.
Elena Radford is a unique shaman, healer and evolutionary influencer, bringing through concepts, ideas, values and codes that release the individual from old cages and old patterns of restriction. Elena opens the writer/producer to fifth-dimensional stories, ones that resonate with a universal premise and purpose. Her work with creator/writers/producers has an innovative frequency, removing limiting blocks and beliefs and opening up surprising areas of potential and creativity. Elena will bring healing to the creator/writer/producer while simultaneously unlocking new concepts and direction. The creator/writer/producer finds an ease into the depth and breadth of the material while discovering new gifts in the creating/managing/writing/producing process. There is nothing quite so exhilarating for a life-writer than to see their story unfold with a life of its own.
Elena is committed to developing the intuition so we can tell stories that are important in transforming our world into hope and fulfilment with messages that can be shared. These stories are founded in the experience of unconditional love of the self. Elena will share methods of reconnecting and remembering this core in the creator/writer/producer that naturally brings though multidimensional stories. 
Elena facilitates a mysticism that generates an abundance personally in the creator/writing/producing process and an energy of healing that infiltrates the story or creation.
Elena has an easy, gracious and effective way of working with people. She cuts to the chase quickly. No time is wasted. Because the work generates leverage into the core issues, there is a ripple that invokes immediate outcomes. Pathways open as the greater self has access into the process. The creator/writer/producer feels less alone, supported by a team of synchronized helpers.

What motivates Elena? Well, it’s a love story. A love for humanity and a love that creates a better place for her children. This is a love of deep-seated values that recognize the unique gifts in everyone and the vast potential that comes from the universe. It is a love that is committed to the world that we must re-create."

Course curriculum

    1. Mastermind - Technology of Feelings.

    2. guidelines - ZOOM INFORMATION

    1. 8.29.24 Zoom Meeting - Introduction- Creating Your Own Reality

    2. 9.17.24. Zoom Meeting

    1. Meditation for Clearing Blocks and to Create with feelings. Case Study #2

    2. Visualization Exercises

    1. Pure Intentions

    2. Connecting with Your Higher Self

    1. Aligning Your Goals with Your Beliefs

    2. Action Planning for Success

    1. Mindfulness Practices

About this course

  • $45.00 / month
  • 11 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content